Monday, August 20, 2007

cooking (aug 18, 2007)

as i dwelt a little longer in my asana today than the last time.

the novitiates of the whirling dervishes (sufis) of the Mevlevi order are asked to practice their whirling for a year, adding an extra turn every day so that by the end of their year, they are fully 'cooked'. it is an interesting metaphor, cooking. Rumi takes the metaphor further in a beautiful poem about chickpeas in a pot and how they try to escape the cooking by jumping out. the cook chides them and tells them that after all they are going to be united with Him after they are cooked. In a line, beautifully rendered by Coleman Barks, he (the cook) asks-

"Remember when you drank rain in the garden.
That was for this."

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